Town Centre Community Engagement

UPL’s work in the engagement sphere has found many forms in Whitehill & Bordon. Our first efforts focused on devising a collaborative exercise involving up to 12 different design practices to ‘road test’ our emerging plans and concepts for the new town centre.
Held over 2-days and with an overnight stay to both extend the working window (and further help build consensus in the design team), the exercise generated 3D models, individual building concepts and masterplan options which were then taken forward by a multi-architect team coordinated by UPL.
Different iterations of this work were presented to the public and key stakeholders at various scales of model; 1:100, 1:200 and eventually a super-scale 1:12.5 ‘walk-through’ experience complete with mini park, theatre outpost and community café.
These models have been followed up with thematic workshops, looking to respond to changes in the retail market and town centre investment climate.
The next stages are likely to move to a demonstration high street phase, championing outdoor theatre, parkour, play on the way and pop-up gastronomy.